Hi there,

I noticed that the article mentions lower quality standards, but I couldn’t find this specific reference in the text:

“Animal shelters across Denmark are seeing a surge in supply as more families decide to give up their dogs. The waitlist for rehoming pets is growing rapidly, with shelters attributing the trend to rising living costs, time constraints, and changing lifestyles.”

Is this mentioned elsewhere that I can check? Thanks a lot!

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Hi - I’m a big fan of Last Week in Denmark and have been a subscriber for a long time, but the bit about the “3. Limfjordsforbindelse” is either written by someone who doesn’t know much about the conflict or it has been researched very insufficiently.

To claim, that it is somehow a conflict between rich and poor, where the poor won and the rich now have to contend with a motorway through their neighborhood, is simply not true. The reason why there’s so much controversy surrounding the building of said motorway, lies in its destruction of nature, habitats for endangered species, potential loss of clean drinking water depots and a threat of digging up asbestos, that could become harmful for all citizens - no matter whether they are poor or rich.

Plus the fact that Aalborg will be surrounded by two motorways, if it comes to pass. I can only hope that the lawsuit will end in victory!

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